We’re happy to announce that GRS Chemical Technologies has joined the Italmatch Chemicals Group.
Italmatch Chemicals S.p.A., a specialty chemicals Group, with sales of 250M€ and 400 employees, controlled by Ardian jointly with the Management, today has successfully completed the acquisition of all shares of GRS Chemical Technologies, a company with manufacturing base in Naples, specialized in water soluble polymers and fuel related cleaning technologies.
Ardian, una delle principali società di private investment indipendenti, annuncia oggi di aver sottoscritto un accordo vincolante per acquisire Italmatch Chemicals, azienda attiva nella chimica di specialità, da Mandarin Capital Partners (che deteneva il 67,6% della società) e dalla famiglia Malacalza. Il top-management, tra cui l’Amministratore Delegato Sergio Iorio, manterrà unaquota pari al 12% del capitale della società.
Ardian, the premium independent private investment company, today announces that it has signed a binding agreement to acquire Italmatch Chemicals, Italy’s leading specialty chemicals manufacturer, from Mandarin Capital Partners and the Malacalza family. The senior management, including Italmatch CEO Sergio Iorio, will retain a 12% stake in the Company.
Modello 231 Italmatch Parte Generale e Parte Speciale (EXE 240912).