Italmatch joined Alkeemia Battery Forum 2023
Our team presented our work for IPCEI - European Battery Innovation EU project and our role in raw materials and chemical sustainable solutions, including the ones related to the recycle of Phosphorus (FlashPhos)

Alkeemia hosted Alkeemia Battery Forum 2023 in Venice, Italy (30th-31st March 2023), an event with major European players in the battery market. Italmatch Chemicals joined presenting its role in the Electric Vehicles Battery value chain: from the production of electrolytes/raw materials for batteries, to their recovery and recycle.
Norberto Gatti, Global Sales & Marketing Director P derivatives, Performance Products & Specialties at Italmatch Chemicals, offered an overview of the Italmatch’s projects with main focus on Advanced Raw Materials for Battery Electrolytes.
Maria Cristina Pasi, our IPCEI coordinator, presented Italmatch’s role in “Recycling and Sustainability” work stream among European partners of the second IPCEI – European Battery Innovation. In addition to chemical solutions for metal recovery (developed by our Advanced Water Solutions division), Pasi talked about Italmatch’s work with FlashPhos EU Project (for the recovery of P as a valuable secondary raw material from urban and industrial waste).
The event, organized by Alkeemia, aimed at renewing the EU/Companies’ common intent to support the expected market growth.

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