Italmatch featured in IPCEI newsletter for EuBatIn participation
Group contribution in new European Batteries Innovation project featured in "The Battery Year in Review and Outlook for 2022" newsletter

Italmatch Chemicals participation in the European Battery Innovation Project was featured in the EuBatIn Quarterly Issue 3, the official newsletter published on the IPCEI Batteries website. The Group has in fact been selected to join the second IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest), which focuses on the development of the first sustainable value chain for the production and eco-friendly recovery of lithium-ion batteries in Europe.
The first 2022 issue of the newsletter covers a wide range of topics, with a recap of the last months of 2021 and an overview of what awaits us in the new year from an innovation perspective. A strong attention is paid also to the official launch of the project in the last quarter of last year. The aim, with the contribution of Italmatch and other partners across Europe, is to develop the Li-Ion products into real green technology. This will be possible thanks to the establishment of:
- Recycling processes
- Efficient and sustainable production processes
- Latest innovative materials and technologies
Italmatch involvement in IPCEI project
Italmatch Chemicals will actively participate in three out of four distinct workstreams. The first one focuses on “Raw and Advanced Materials“. The goal is to develop EU raw material production and chemical processing for battery manufacturing. At the same time, the recovery and re-use of the materials from recycling processes is targeted to create a closed loop.
The second work package for the Company is “Battery Cells“, which involves the eco-friendly development and industrialization of cutting-edge batteries and cell components. Eventually, the last workstream for the Italmatch Group is the “Recycling and Sustainability” package. Complying with the Circular Economy‘s principles, EuBatIn project aims to develop dismantling, recycling and refining processes to allow the effective recycle of batteries and the metals within them.
To find out all the latest information about EuBatIn work packages and to read the full IPCEI newsletter – Issue 01/2022 visit the IPCEI official website >
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